Thursday, April 30, 2009

sorry I forgot your birthday mom!

Hey, for those who are wondering why I haven't blogged for a few days (mom) here is whats been going on. for the past few days I haven't got a single picture, that's usually when I post a new blog. But i have a minute now because Dylan is napping, don't worry she doesn't have the swine flu.

My work schedule changed so now I have thu, fri and sat off, which is awesome, but i just worked 7 days in a row because of the switch. On top of that I'm gonna need to find someone new to watch Dylan because my current babysitter is moving away. Plus I need to mess with my car and fix my motorcycle and get new strings for my guitar and turn in my food stamp update and get Dylan's medical records and fax them to her new doctor and go to the dentist every week because my tooth aches and clean my apartment every 10 minutes because i live with a 2 year old, etc etc etc. Plus I would really like to find a "career" and also have a little time for art and a lot of time for skateboarding and drinking beer.

that's what I've been up to lately. I'll be taking more pictures now, I got a few days off of work.


  1. I want a "career" also...and a clean house...and free time to skateboard and drink beer...and but uh yeah, you may HAVE been winning in the blog war, but per capita I have more posts and content, so like yeah.

  2. Dude, life sounds busy.

    BTW, I thought you were a college graduate... Why you flippin pizzas? I don't mean that negatively, I promise. It's just that you are by far one of the smartest people I know, and you may be selling yourself a little short. I don't judge, so if it makes you happy, go on with it!

    Also, come visit Phoenix.. biatch!!!

  3. Dude...beater Mag, you have hot dogs in your profile pic....talking garbage about flippin some 'za...whatever dude.

    but he is right....PHXAZ FLGAZ 2009

  4. Ney dude, not talkin trash. As a NON college graduate, I struggle a lot, and that's it. Need I remind anyone that I was flippin pizzas not all that long ago, and that shit was fun! Sometimes I wish that I could trade my job for a pizza joint gig. Dude, nothing ever looks right in blog comments. Take it into context, and it is a bro-to-bro thang..

    No trash talkin friends, just making conversation.

    I also have no idea why my avatar is hot dogs.. Maybe it's because I am a wiener...

    Are you guys having a blog-off? I will totally win!

  5. I am a graduate, and youll be impressed to know that I have also graduated from "flipping pizzas". I am now a full on chef coat wearing cook. and im trying to get into something else fool! Also I will be going to PHX and FLG this summer.

  6. Woot! Dude, I wasn't trying to sound like a doosh, and it just came out wrong. I don't care what anyone does, as long as they are happy. In a roundabout way, I was trying to ask if you are happy...

    I'm stoked as long as what you are trying to get into is not my mom:) JK.

    Anyway, do you know of a good recipe for feet, because I constantly am puting my foot in my mouth, and it kinda tastes like vinegar...

  7. Also, in case you need it, here's a band-aid:

    ( ::[ ]:: )

    It will ease the pain...

  8. Nick I was just talking homey, no need to get your panties in a bundle, I was giving you a bro-to bro hard time.

    As far as a blog off, hands down untouchable, I will soon be a reoccurring quest columnist on a high trafficked mildly prestigious website....ore on that. But anyway, i will have the ear of thousands, my blog will get traffic that will crush all yall and in turn force me to rite more...we shall see.

    oh and this comment section is the new line of communication between us apparently.

  9. Dude, I'm having trouble deciphering what you are saying. Apparently you are going to be blogging on a high traffic site? That's dope!

  10. rote it to be misleading...or I can't write (probally that one)
