Today I woke up at 6, hard boiled 5 eggs, spent 4 hours on the computer, sent Resumes to 3 different places, did 2 loads of laundry and cleaned 1 entire apartment. not particularly in that order. Hell of a day off. I also went to the park, you know what is boring... pushing your kid on a swing for longer than 4 minutes. it just is. You know what sucks? pushing your kid on a swing for like 2 hours straight.
On a shittier note, 2 days ago a man in a ford explorer backed into and knocked over my motorcycle in front of the post office. This was like the fourth time I have been able to take it out. The left clipon was broken off along with some other parts. thankfully he stuck around and it sounds like his insurance is going to take care of it. I need to go and get an estimate and fax it to them. fun.
I am working tomorrow but have saturday off, saturday is Chucks 30th birthday, should be fun. Ill try and take pictures.
what is this? Cutting glimpses into the pysche of the author? observations akin to Sienfield like world view, a blog growing increasing more personal with pictures not taken from an Imac...grammer, usage of curse words at appropriate times...interesting approach.