Tuesday, September 8, 2009

wierdo beardo

Here is one for the ladies, by that i mean my mom and grandma.

alright I'm growing my beard out. This is my vacation beard. It is about a month long. Im going to grow it out until its as long as rynn's.


  1. Or until ya look like this...

    Get after it!

  2. i have attemptied the rynn more than a couple times, and failed baaad. It doesn't matter how long you have it, rynns wins. I think the longest I have gone was three months, and I was a wooly SOB

    this was 2 months in and no where near rynn

    I am going to try and shave for two weeks straight...we shall see how that works

  3. I was shaving every day for a little while, I felt like a total pussy.
